30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee for all products!
This 30-day money-back guarantee applies to all L'Care products for skin.
How does it work?
1. To be eligible to claim a refund, individuals must have purchased some L'Care product for skin from www.lcareskin.com
2. On the day your order is delivered, email a customer care representative at support@lcareskin.com a blank email with the subject line "30 Day Money-Back Guarantee". This will activate your money-back guarantee. Please note, that if your guarantee is not registered as per this step it will be deemed invalid.
3. All 30-day money-back guarantee applications MUST be submitted within 90 days of receipt of your handset.
4. Once approved for a refund, you will need to return the product (in its original packaging) via a trackable mail service to the address provided by our support team representative.
Real postage costs for the sending and return of our products are the full responsibility of the Claimant and will not be refunded.